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Nelly Boogy

Trek médical et ostéopathique dans la vallée du Langtang

Nelly Boogy | Paris, France  |  November 30, 2014

Je suis Nelly. J’étais l’infirmière de notre équipe de neuf professionnels de santé. Je tiens sincèrement à remercier Hari d’avoir su organiser notre trek médical sans aucune fausse note. Dans chaque village visité, nous étions accueillis comme des princes attendus. Les villageois ont mis à notre disposition des salles de classe de leurs écoles et jusqu’à leur maison même une fois en guise de salle de consultation médicale et de soins. Quel accueil  extraordinaire que celui des farandoles de collier de fleurs distribuées à nos cous par les enfants des villages, accompagnés de « Namasté » timides.

Merci Hari aussi pour nous avoir fait découvrir la beauté des paysages à couper le souffle mais aussi la beauté et la richesse intérieure des népalais.Tous les accompagnants, porteurs, et hôtes durant notre trek que ce soit plus particulièrement nos deux jeunes guides, Prakash et Sagar, nos trois cuisiniers ou encore Hari et sa famille ont tous été si bienveillants avec nous.

Nous étions venus apporter des soins médicaux et ostéopathiques dans une vallée reculée du Népal, donner un peu de nous-même, de notre temps et de nos savoir-faire auprès d’une population dans le besoin ; au final, c’est nous qui avons reçu le plus…

Nous sommes rentrés en France, la tête pleine de souvenirs magiques, avec de nouveaux amis de l’autre côté du globe, au Népal et même en Australie (je pense à nos 2 merveilleuses australiennes qui nous ont accompagnés), et le cœur grandit et plus ouvert.

Ce voyage fut pour moi bien plus qu’un trek médical, ce fut un vrai voyage initiatique qui m’a reconnecté avec des valeurs telles que la simplicité, le moment présent, la joie, la beauté de toute chose, la compassion, l’humilité et le pouvoir du cœur.Ce sont des souvenirs que je garderai en mémoire toute ma vie. Une belle leçon de vie. Merci Hari également pour ta disponibilité en toute circonstance. Tu as été notre guide aussi à Katmandou, tu as pris le temps de nous accompagner sur les sites touristiques et nous conseiller sur les meilleures boutiques. Au total, quel que soit l’endroit, tu as toujours eu une attention particulière pour chacun d’entre nous afin que tout se passe toujours bien. Je n’aurais pas pu espérer mieux

I Love Nepal


Our tour did indeed exceed our expectations

Jeff Collins | Australia  |  November 10, 2014

I am writing on behalf of my wife and I, to express our extreme pleasure with the service provided High Himalayan Trekking & Expedition, and in particular Hari, during our recent visit to Nepal.
From the moment we arrived in Nepal, to the moment we entered the airport to depart for home, we were treated like royalty. Mr. Hari took tremendous care of us throughout our tour, regularly checking to ensure everything went smoothly. We were very grateful for his assistance, and even more delighted to see him appear by our side on our arrival back to Nepal. Being taken to dinner was a lovely surprise.
Our tour did indeed exceed our expectations. The tour itself was well organized and we were very happy with our accommodation, transport and guides. I would also like to express our great satisfaction with our tour guide throughout Nepal, Hari who took wonderful care of us and treated us in such good manner.
We are both singing the praises of Nepal as a destination, and High Himalayan Trekking & Expedition as a travel agent to all our friends and colleagues. Thank you for providing us with a wonderful experience.
Best Regards


I will never forget your hospitality and willingness to help me

Melisa | Australia  |  September 27, 2014

Dear Hari and High Himalayan Trekking team,
Thank you for the warm welcome to your country. I appreciate the family-like atmosphere High Himalayan Trekking team provides as well as an avenue to meet like-minded friends in Nepal. I will never forget your hospitality and willingness to help me in all of my, trekking, sight-seeing and volunteering endeavors. I really felt like High Himalayan Trekking Agency was to make sure all the Trekkers were comfortable and happy. I know this was at least true for my experience.
Thanks for everything.
Melbourne Australia
Annapurna Base camp trekking and  volunteereing in Rasuwa


Truly wonderful trip

Joan & Gerry | United Kingdom  |  September 22, 2014

Thank you so much for your kind message and for Joans Birthday Wishes. We were so thrilled to hear from you knowing all is well with you and your family. We are well and were it 7 weeks ago we arrived home? We have just completed putting our photograph album together of our truly wonderful trip. Its the envy of many. We tell all our friends "Go to Nepal! And we know a tour company who will look after you".
Please remember there is a place for you and your family in our home at any time. If during your visit to Europe you find your way to the UK please contact us - we would dearly like to meet up with you and your family or talk to you over the phone. Meanwhile look after yourselves and thank you once more for thinking of us....
Fondest wishes

We felt we were being

Heather and Jim Douglas | Canada  |  March 02, 2014

Dear Hari
Namaste from Canada
How lovely to return home and find the two photographs in our e-mail. We look at them often and remember the wonderful welcome from everyone at High Himalayan Trekking & Expedition.
Everything went so well during our entire trip in Nepal. In each place you were faultless in your services and when we left we felt that we had made a whole lot of new friends and learned cultures.
I have given your phone number to a Vancouver friend, who may be calling you as she plans her trip to Nepal. I told her how important it was to have someone at the airport and to arrange guided tours. I just wish we had more time between our visit and her, as I told her that the arrangements you made for us were absolutely the best way for people of our age to travel.
Again, thank you to everyone in your team for all the hard work.We felt we were being "cherished" as well as being looked after what a gift to give to visitors.
Our very best wishes for your continued success in the very difficult travel business in Nepal.
Thank you very much for everything.

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Ministry of Tourism Nepal Nepal Tourism Board Trekking Agencies' Association of Nepal Nepal Mountaineering Association Himalayan Rescue Association Nepal High Himalayan Community Projects Nepal

High Himalayan Trekking and Expedition (P) Ltd.

Bhagawanbahal Marga,Thamel Kathmandu, Nepal
Managing Director: Mr. Harikrishna Devkota
G.P.O. Box: 9983
Phone: +977 1 4515120
Mobile: +977 98 51031394
Email: highhimalayantreks[at]